Thursday, December 27, 2007

Can style be comprimised for novelty?

A question I am often faced with, especially around Christmas time. In most cases people try to believe they are completely immune to style and fads but the truth is we are all victims of style and influence. A lot of times we catch ourselves possessing an originality factor that dictates our strive towards individuality and becoming a non-conformist. This depends on who you are of course! I can openly admit that I am heavily influenced by who and what I idolize. As long as your evolving, in my eyes you maintain your individuality because as time happens different people will inevitably do different things. This may seem obvious, and well fuck you. When it comes to novelty, I see it as an inefficient way to spend money but at that specific time completely necessary. I often find myself buying many things I dont need and know I will never wear. To me novelty can sometimes include something that is "in style" and is not even remotely funny (at the time (anything can be funny to anyone)).

If you want to be safe and always buy; the same brand, the same fit, the same color, the same everything, from the same store, then you are in fact a weak individual. Although, way too many times have I seen people lose there fashion sense when they think that something is "in" or funny. This may all seem obvious, and again fuck you. So back to the question, does this mean fashion as a whole is based on novelty? Perhaps, considering "novelty" can be defined as; "the quality of being new, original, or unusual". With a very bold "or". So to sum it up I would like you to always ask your self these questions when you are dressing yourself or buying clothes: "Where am I going?"(think influence and surroundings) "What type of people will I be seeing?"(think message conveying). I am sure there are hundreds more running through your head, and thats good, critical is good. My forumula for happiness is if there is any doubt in the decision your making then you are setting yourself up for failure. If you feel you have made a wrong decision anyways and constantly think about "what could have been" then you should go back and try to change that. Make sure this is truly worth it. Productivity and critical thinking can be a source of happiness, although it may not seem like it. I how ever have just made the biggest hypocrite out of myself, at least I admit it. So go forth and dont fuck up.

Picture 1: Yours truly, Picture 2: The wonderful Ali!

EDIT: I may or may not have answered the question. Tell me your answers!


bblonde said...

hey Tyler welcome to the blogsville... you have a very..uhmm, energetic voice in your writing. very refreshing and hopefully something you will develop as time goes on. In any case,I do agree with you that 'productivity and critical thinking' can be a source of happiness. Whether it leads to happiness or not may be in fact analogous to say, a statement that a specific music can be a source of happiness.. it just depends on who's playing and how!~)

tyler said...

wow, thanks. Hopefully you'll read more.